11 SEO Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Efforts

seo copywriting tips

Copywriting has proved to be one of the cost-efficient ways of improving the visibility of websites over the years. “Content is King” has been the norm for many years now. But wait! Still many companies find it difficult to find a strong foothold in their rankings owing to poor copywriting strategies, despite the fact that content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing, and even the fact that they can expect up to 3 times more leads from content marketing compared to traditional strategies.

To help your company soar in rankings and thereby, increase its traffic and conversion rates, here are a few tips you can follow while writing SEO content.

1. Pick Trending Topics

The topics you choose are the key to grabbing your audience’s attention. What is trending is what is most talked about and what is most searched about, too. So, preparing an article that caters to the latest trends in your field is always a good idea.

2. Choose Attractive Headlines

As the adage goes, the first impression is the best impression, headlines are therefore the ones that will first catch the eyes of readers. Therefore, draft killer headlines with relevant keywords. Research states that headlines with odd numbers are more likely to get clicked. In addition, do some thorough research on the other aspects of headlines before drafting your own.

3. Write For Your Audience

This is the first thing you need to do before you start writing any blog post or article. Figure out whom you are writing for and formulate your content to conform with their level of understanding. This is a central characteristic of a good article.

4. Fetch Them Answers

This is a great way to take advantage of the long tail. When your content has authentic and relevant answers for the questions that the user may come up with, it is highly likely to reach a greater number of audience. This is also one of the main basics of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm.

5. Make It Visually Pleasing

Yes, for the readers, a picture is worth a thousand words! If your article is stuffed with only plain text, it can fail to make an impression. Use pertinent images to go along with your unique content.

6. Give Them Numbers

Like the proverbial feather in a winning cap, articles that feature statistics seem to draw the most attention compared to other content types. Numbers and statistics can give your audience a better grasp on your subject matter, and also adds a layer of authenticity that users can trust.

7. Be Unique

Original content is a pleasing factor for both social media and readers. A writer should use his/her own inputs and provide a different dimension to the overall concept. This is key to a successful content marketer. Up to 81% of marketers have planned to increase their use of original written content in 2016.

8. Incorporate Links

This is typical of any SEO content. Including links from external resources (outbound) and linking to relevant links within the site (internal) is a practice of a good SEO. Never hesitate to credit the external resources, as well.

9. Use the Right Font and Title Case

A good font can make it easier for the visitor to read the content clearly. When it comes to crafting titles, they do not always have to be in proper title case. Sometimes, sentence case also does work. It all depends on the right purpose and personal preference.

10. Decide on Your Tone

While some articles call for a laid-back style, others require a formal tone. Some articles need to be purely strict and professional. Just remember your target audience and decide on the tone of your article.

11. Share and Win

What matters in the end is that you make your content shareable in social media. Content shared on social channels increase your readership and audience.